Wooster Photography

Hello my name is Lori Scott.
I am a photographer based near Winnipeg, Manitoba.
I often travel throughout Manitoba and North-western Ontario.
Creating beautiful imagery is one of my passions as I continue to work towards the goal of becoming one of the best photographers in the field.
I have been taking photos since I was a teenager, and I am most happy behind the camera. Her father was a wonderful photographer that gave me a passion behind the lens. He loved to take photos of nature and us kids. He left the world much too early at the age of 53.
I had my first model at 12 when my beautiful sister wanted photos done, I am not sure how many rolls of film I used with my old film camera to get a beautiful photo of her. My next models were my three beautiful children, and now my grandchildren.
I enjoy photographing people in love, boudoir, model portfolios and my animals.
I love to create new and interesting projects so if you want something different, just let me know.
Feel free to contact me at: woosterphoto@mymts.net
Or by telephone at: 204.806.4467